Part 154: Zil Padon NPC Chatter 4
Welcome back!
As usual, Zil Padon has way the hell too many people to talk to. Therefore, to put that off as long as possible, let's go back to Cafu!

: Can I help it if that dude Juss is even flakier than you? You've got to be more confident.
Ignore Milda there, I kinda forgot that I had recorded this dialog back when it first triggers.

: The bovine wise men taught me. If the Spirits regain their power, things will be restored! No one has done anything, but that is all right. I will do it! I will go with Juss!

: We'll be victorious, Rapp!

: Father, Mother, wait for me. Soon things will be restored.
All right, time to get this over with.

: The Mogay say try to be friends. Ridiculous! All they want is money, money, money. Will money resolve everything? Nothing of the kind!

: and it went under. There was no work for me. Haaa.... I never had a chacne. My whole time here, I feel that I never had a chance. I am looking for a job. What should I do this time?

: It invokes a god of the Mogay. Then, the Rabbit in the Moon will protect you. If you have this holy amulet, no matter what the fight, you'll be protected and return alive.

: What? I can't believe that. So what am I going to do if I don't live and return alive?

: If that happens, come back to us. You can always return it and ask for a replacement.

: Sure, OK. I'm sold....

: You have to be kidding! It would be a little difficult to complain.

: Don't think about what's difficult, just buy this "Moonlight amulet".

: Say, old man, who would buy such a thing?

: Oh, anyway, let me tell you about my boyfriend. ♪ He is so cute. ♥ I already feel he's the world's best. ♪ His nose is especially great. If you saw it, you'd certainly think so, too. ♥ He has that nose, and he kisses so well. ♥ I'm floating off my feet. ♪

: Huh? Assisting? You're using vague words, old man.

: Well, yes of course. No sens using you for head-work. You seem the physical labor type. From washing dishes to being a waiter, picking up trash along the waterways. There's all kinds of jobs.

: What! That's only boring work. I'll pass on that.

: Go ahead! Talk yourself hoarse. Blah, blah, blah. You're so weak, it's sad! I could take you on with just one hand! You got that?

: Ho ho. You're going to hit me? Very well. Take your best shot. That's about all you Alqada people have brains for anyway. I shall teach you that a noble spirit never yields to strength of arms. You are such a barbarian. Right away you resort to strength of arms. You do not know what intelligence is.

: Other towns and villages appear to have only one race living together. Well, it would be good if only reliable guys lived together. It's a little noisy here.

: What? Fine weather...?

: I guess so. But it's a little hot for me.

: ...... Is that so? ... Well, see you later.
At least Zil Padon has Awkward Fish Guy.

: What? The Mogay doing business in this kind of place?

: Hm, not really. The owner here takes off at night. Since it can't be helped, I'm in charge. You say he takes off? Where does he take off to? We'll find him quickly in Zilpa.

: Yes, that's certain. It's hard to say that such a good product exists in the world. The efficacy of this "bat medicine" has been verified. It's difficult to handle them without being scratched. I have a lot of scratches. As you said, they sell easily, but isn't 40 G apiece a bit much?

: It certainly is effective and popular. It's bad of me to look at it this way, but the price won't do. Yes, that's it. How about 30G each? I'd buy all of them at that price. If not, what will you give me?

: I understand. OK, I give up. Let's split the difference at 35G! Then, next time will be my turn.

: Great. I sold 'em. 35 G apiece. Thank you, thank you. I understand, it's my turn next time.

: The Mogay are the only ones who like to come and go in this desert.
And now time for the interiors. Yaaaay.

: If I'm useful to others, I'll grow up. Then I can return home, and live with Papa and Mama again. Heh heh! A merchant just has to tend shop all day long. I can do that in my sleep.

: Sounds too simple, doesn't it!

: Well, a merchant just sells things while sitting around in the shop all day, right?

: But where do you think you'll get the things that you have to sell?

: What? Won't someone come and deliver them to my store for free?

: Well, my friend, I think you're rather mistaken.

: And I thought it was easy to be a merchant.

: What if Guido taught you how to conduct business?

: He has a splendid determination to be a merchant better than the Mogay. I am happy. When his parents hear and welcome him home, how joyous it will be. Oh, this is exciting. If I send a letter about the boy's growth to his parents, they will surely burst into tears of joy because their son is making an effort to grow up. The boy aims to be a merchant. Oh sob, I can't... the words are blurred and I can't write.

: As the name implies, these mushroom cause hiccups. Finally, your stomach twists up and you die. People eat them because they taste so good. A powerful medicine is mixed in the food, and you should get better. Hold it now. The patrons will stop enjoying the cafeteria. They came from far away to get mushrooms.

: This is completely stupid.

: A true gourmet enjoys the thrill of knowing whether there is poison in the flavor of the mushrooms. Hyi hic. Hya, hyi, hic! Oh, hic, it hurts, hic. They just won't stop, hic hic.!
We'll... uh... we'll just let him be. He'll be fine.

: No, not at all. Ho ho. Somw are certaily spicy hot. Except for sweets, we have every kind of spice from sour or bitter to unbelievably spicy hot, which are extraordinarily hot spices with plenty of punch. Ho ho. Since Zilpa is a hot place, spices are an important product.

: Are you going to buy some? You don't look all that affluent.

: What is this! What kind of attitude is that to have toward customers?

: What is this? Are you just looking? You don't look like you have money. Go on home!

: limits. I can't see anything for some people. And I can only tell a person's fortune once. Unfortunately, it appears that your fortune has ended. I can't look at a star that is too bright. Now that, if you need my power, you may come at any time. As much as possible, I'll be empowered.

: Soon I hope to become a massage master, and use these paws to make the people of Alqada happy. My teacher also says that I have great paws for massages.
So, it turns out that there are people to chat with in the rooms that I missed last time.
Thankfully, while their dialog is technically different, it's really just the same stuff said with slightly different words.

: I thought the two of us should spend some time together on occasion. But that's free time. If you think about it, if a housewife like me no longer has any housework, there's really nothing to do. Hm. When he's spending time at the hotel, I get bored.

: Alqada people use this hotel to relax their tired bodies. After taking a leisurely bath, I'll get a massage top to bottom from the masseuse. It is an indescribable feeling. I just remembered her paws. They feel so relaxing. Hm. A nosebleed.
Welp. Let's go see what the other room's up to.

: If you wait, your turn will come up. I waited a long time for my turn. It may look like I owe him, but actually, I was responsible for my brother getting married to his wife. Although he won't admit to that.

: It would resolve everything if my brother were a bit more patient and waited for my turn at the massage! My brother quickly forgets how much I've taken care of him ever since he was small! It's completely disgraceful to forget what he owes for my drying out his wet bedsheets without our parents knowing!
... You know what? I think we're done with the Alqada section for now.